Leadership makes it or breaks it!

My Leadership Development program is designed to cultivate transformational leadership skills crucial for driving successful change initiatives (e.g. OKR implementation, Agile Transformation).

By empowering leaders with the ability to inspire, motivate, and engage their teams, I help them navigate the complexities of change, foster innovation, and achieve sustainable growth. Embrace a leadership style that not only adapts to change but also leverages it to propel your organisation forward.

An excerpt of tools, frameworks, models I apply:

  • Tools for Effective 1:1 and Team Meetings
  • Tools to develop high performing teams
  • Conversation – Feedback – Recognition
  • Systemic Coaching and Systemic Questions
  • Management 3.0 (Moving Motivators, Delegation Poker)
  • Simon Sinek’s Just Cause
  • Storytelling

Expertise & Certifications

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